May 1st, 2024
by Mike Smith
by Mike Smith
The current session of Wednesday Small groups will conclude on May 8. Our first Summer session of small groups will begin on May 22 and run for 8 weeks, concluding on July 17. This is your opportunity to connect with others from Cross Point as we dig into God’s word. You do not want to miss your opportunity to connect and equip during one of the small group opportunities. Help us plan to have enough materials for the small groups, by signing up today! Scan the QR code or contact the church office to sign up for one of the small groups.
Young at Heart
Wednesdays @ 4:00 PM in Room 107
Facilitator: Vondie Cook Sr. & Dana Hosch
A Psalm for very Situation We sometimes feel like we need to curate our emotions when we talk to God. But God wants us to come to him honestly, no matter what we are feeling or going through. Join Bible teacher Lisa Harper as she teaches from the book of Psalms looking at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God. In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.
I Am Statements of Jesus
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM in Room 107
Facilitator: Gary & Pam Nichols
In the book of John, we read about Jesus' mission in this world. We are shown the greatness of His power, as well as how He lived and interacted with those around Him. Through the reading and studying of John's Gospel, we get insight into who Jesus is through the statements that He made about Himself. He says "I AM the bread of life..." "I AM the light of the world..." "I AM the door..." "I AM the good shepherd..." "I AM the way, the truth, and the life..." "I AM the true vine..." "I AM the resurrection...." These statements of Jesus, found in the book of John, are called the "I AM" statements, and they recall the Lord God's self-identification in Exodus 3:14.
In this study we will explore the "I AM" statements found in the Gospel of John. We will observe and discuss the power, richness, and depth of each statement. We will also consider how we, as followers of Jesus, can apply these statements in our lives today.
Minor Prophets
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM in the Lobby
Facilitator: Mike Smith
Description: Star Trek fans read every book and see every movie. Harry Potter fans pour over every world. Marvel Cinematic Universe fans know every element of their inter-connected universe. But, how well do we know our Bible? In this Bible study we will look at some of scripture's most skipped over books; the Minor Prophets. From the perspective of a storyteller, this video based study will teach us what each book of the Bible is, what happens in it and how that connects to the overall stories of God’s promises, covenants and plan of redemption.
Cross Point 101
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in Room 105
Facilitator: Pastor Vondie
Have you ever wanted to know more about Cross Point Church? Whether you are new to Cross Point, or not so new, this is your opportunity to learn more about who we are as a church. In the newly revised Cross Point 101 you will have the opportunity to learn more about Cross Point’s beliefs, history, what it means to be a fully engaged partner, and how people become a part of what God is doing at Cross Point.
During these 8 weeks you will: Dig into discipleship. You will learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and what God expects for Christians. Learn about serving – what it is and why it is important; You will discover how God has uniquely gifted you and how you can utilize those gifts to serve Him; Discover the importance of small groups. Learn how they are important times to connect, share life together, and engage; learn what makes Cross Point unique; and hear the incredible journey from a courthouse revival to a thriving church that is making an eternal impact in the community.
Young at Heart
Wednesdays @ 4:00 PM in Room 107
Facilitator: Vondie Cook Sr. & Dana Hosch
A Psalm for very Situation We sometimes feel like we need to curate our emotions when we talk to God. But God wants us to come to him honestly, no matter what we are feeling or going through. Join Bible teacher Lisa Harper as she teaches from the book of Psalms looking at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God. In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God.
I Am Statements of Jesus
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM in Room 107
Facilitator: Gary & Pam Nichols
In the book of John, we read about Jesus' mission in this world. We are shown the greatness of His power, as well as how He lived and interacted with those around Him. Through the reading and studying of John's Gospel, we get insight into who Jesus is through the statements that He made about Himself. He says "I AM the bread of life..." "I AM the light of the world..." "I AM the door..." "I AM the good shepherd..." "I AM the way, the truth, and the life..." "I AM the true vine..." "I AM the resurrection...." These statements of Jesus, found in the book of John, are called the "I AM" statements, and they recall the Lord God's self-identification in Exodus 3:14.
In this study we will explore the "I AM" statements found in the Gospel of John. We will observe and discuss the power, richness, and depth of each statement. We will also consider how we, as followers of Jesus, can apply these statements in our lives today.
Minor Prophets
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM in the Lobby
Facilitator: Mike Smith
Description: Star Trek fans read every book and see every movie. Harry Potter fans pour over every world. Marvel Cinematic Universe fans know every element of their inter-connected universe. But, how well do we know our Bible? In this Bible study we will look at some of scripture's most skipped over books; the Minor Prophets. From the perspective of a storyteller, this video based study will teach us what each book of the Bible is, what happens in it and how that connects to the overall stories of God’s promises, covenants and plan of redemption.
Cross Point 101
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in Room 105
Facilitator: Pastor Vondie
Have you ever wanted to know more about Cross Point Church? Whether you are new to Cross Point, or not so new, this is your opportunity to learn more about who we are as a church. In the newly revised Cross Point 101 you will have the opportunity to learn more about Cross Point’s beliefs, history, what it means to be a fully engaged partner, and how people become a part of what God is doing at Cross Point.
During these 8 weeks you will: Dig into discipleship. You will learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and what God expects for Christians. Learn about serving – what it is and why it is important; You will discover how God has uniquely gifted you and how you can utilize those gifts to serve Him; Discover the importance of small groups. Learn how they are important times to connect, share life together, and engage; learn what makes Cross Point unique; and hear the incredible journey from a courthouse revival to a thriving church that is making an eternal impact in the community.
Posted in Small Groups
Mike Smith
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