A Note from Pastor Vondie | November 2023

Happy Thanksgiving Season! There is an old song that is the foundation for our time together in this article. The lyrics are as follows: “Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son. (Repeat the prior section) And now, let the weak say I am strong. Let the poor say I am rich because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks.” This leads us to some things to ponder in November. First, what is your heart grateful for? At Cross Point in November, let me share a few things for which my heart is grateful. First, I am grateful we are going to celebrate two baby dedications. Two families want to dedicate their child to God and dedicate themselves to raising their child in the admonition and love of the Lord. Second, a large youth group is attending the State Youth Convention (SYC). Do you realize that our youth ministry is one of the biggest youth groups, if not the largest, in our tribe in the state? When we see 30 middle schoolers in the second service each week get up and go to their lesson following worship, my heart skips a beat. I give thanks when I hear the Adventure Alley Kids singing on Wednesday evening, preparing for their Christmas play. Third, we have another baptismal service planned on November 12th. When we realize people follow the Lord in baptism and obey His leading, I get goosebumps. I wonder who else will say yes to God next? Fourth, I am humbled when Cross Point is asked to lead revivals and training to help other congregations develop and grow when we can produce content that other churches use to feed their people; how awesome! 

These are moments when we realize people who have been poor in spirit can now say we are rich in what the Lord has done for us. Fifth, I am so grateful to live in the nation we do. We are all thankful to the men and women in our congregation, families, and community who sacrificed for our freedom. Let’s ensure we let them know how much we value Last but by no means least, this year, I am so thankful for the next generation in our family. When I look into my grandson's eyes, I get a glimpse of eternity. I first saw this when my children, and many of yours, were born. But this November, I am reminded again that our time here is fleeting, and we are called to do what God has called us to do. This November, give thanks with a grateful heart (even when it is breaking). Give thanks to the Holy One (even when you don’t feel like it). Because He’s given His Son for us, give thanks…

Love, Pastor Vondie and Lori
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Mike Smith

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