April 29th, 2023
by Mike Smith
by Mike Smith
The summer session of small groups will begin on May 31. This is your opportunity to connect with others from Cross Point as we dig into God’s word. This next session of small groups will run for 8 weeks and is tentatively set to conclude on July 26. On July 5, we will not have Wednesday services or activities.
You do not want to miss your opportunity to connect and equip during one of the small group opportunities. Help us plan to have enough materials for the small groups, by signing up today!
Young at Heart Seniors Small Group
Wednesdays @ 4:00 PM
Facilitators: Vondie Cook Sr. & Dana Hosch
Description: A special time just for our seniors!
Women’s Small Group: Significant – Six Ordinary Women, One Extraordinary God
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Facilitator: Kelly Mays
Description: This small group is just for the women. How can you walk by faith in the face of uncertainty? There’s a big difference between living a life trusting in the fake stability of the world and living a life of significance with an unshakeable God. In this study we will learn from scripture to dig in your heels with tenacity when you feel like giving up, worship instead of worry when life throws you curve balls, and quit living skin-deep by cultivating the inner beauty of trust in God.
Men’s Small Group: 7 Challenges Men Encounter
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Facilitator: Gary Nichols
Description: This small group is just for the men. Daily it's getting more challenging to be a man. Our present culture is redefining manhood and confusing men in their pursuit of Biblical manhood. But how will you respond? What will you say and do when the world demands a response? Discover how to respond by rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, loving unconditionally, living with integrity, serving humbly, and investing eternally. Let others see masculinity and manhood through the lens of Christ in your life with these seven characteristics and become a better man, husband, father, and leader.
Bible Study: The Book of Job
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Facilitator: Pastor Vondie
Description: The world teaches us to revolve our actions, thoughts, and beliefs around ourselves. “It’s all about you!” we are encouraged to think. In the world’s philosophy, we become the author and hero of our story. But the Bible teaches a different view, one where another hero—the actual Author of life—takes center stage. In the book of Job, God asserts his preeminence and displays his power. Join us in this eight-session series on Job as we explore the overriding truth that we exist not for ourselves but to glorify the God who deserves all worship and praise.
Online Small Group: Kingdom Heroes
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM Online
Facilitator: Pastor Mike
Description: Are you living by faith? Each of us must daily choose between giving in to the world’s pressure to trust in ourselves or yielding control of our lives to God. While following God’s directions when we don’t see immediate results can be difficult, the payoff will always be tremendous. During this study we will look at the people in the Bible’s Hall of Faith: Old Testament heroes, such as Abraham, Noah, and Moses, who let God lead their lives. Learn how their journeys can help you understand what it means to walk in faith.
You do not want to miss your opportunity to connect and equip during one of the small group opportunities. Help us plan to have enough materials for the small groups, by signing up today!
Young at Heart Seniors Small Group
Wednesdays @ 4:00 PM
Facilitators: Vondie Cook Sr. & Dana Hosch
Description: A special time just for our seniors!
Women’s Small Group: Significant – Six Ordinary Women, One Extraordinary God
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Facilitator: Kelly Mays
Description: This small group is just for the women. How can you walk by faith in the face of uncertainty? There’s a big difference between living a life trusting in the fake stability of the world and living a life of significance with an unshakeable God. In this study we will learn from scripture to dig in your heels with tenacity when you feel like giving up, worship instead of worry when life throws you curve balls, and quit living skin-deep by cultivating the inner beauty of trust in God.
Men’s Small Group: 7 Challenges Men Encounter
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Facilitator: Gary Nichols
Description: This small group is just for the men. Daily it's getting more challenging to be a man. Our present culture is redefining manhood and confusing men in their pursuit of Biblical manhood. But how will you respond? What will you say and do when the world demands a response? Discover how to respond by rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, loving unconditionally, living with integrity, serving humbly, and investing eternally. Let others see masculinity and manhood through the lens of Christ in your life with these seven characteristics and become a better man, husband, father, and leader.
Bible Study: The Book of Job
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Facilitator: Pastor Vondie
Description: The world teaches us to revolve our actions, thoughts, and beliefs around ourselves. “It’s all about you!” we are encouraged to think. In the world’s philosophy, we become the author and hero of our story. But the Bible teaches a different view, one where another hero—the actual Author of life—takes center stage. In the book of Job, God asserts his preeminence and displays his power. Join us in this eight-session series on Job as we explore the overriding truth that we exist not for ourselves but to glorify the God who deserves all worship and praise.
Online Small Group: Kingdom Heroes
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM Online
Facilitator: Pastor Mike
Description: Are you living by faith? Each of us must daily choose between giving in to the world’s pressure to trust in ourselves or yielding control of our lives to God. While following God’s directions when we don’t see immediate results can be difficult, the payoff will always be tremendous. During this study we will look at the people in the Bible’s Hall of Faith: Old Testament heroes, such as Abraham, Noah, and Moses, who let God lead their lives. Learn how their journeys can help you understand what it means to walk in faith.
Mike Smith
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